Please click on any title to read the full article. All content, text and photographs are copyrighted, and may not be reprinted or republished without written permission. For all inquiries, please contact the author at:
“Ensuring Equity for the Indigenous Within Their Nation-States for the Benefit of All”
“Giving a ‘Visual Voice’ to the Changing Arctic Environment”
“Perspectives on the Evidence and Impacts of Changing Environments in the Far North”
“Indigenous Resilience, Mentors and Champions of Hope for Contemporary Times”
“The Aurora: A Most Pleasing and Sublime Spectacle”
“The Dolgans and Their Mammoths”
“Everything You Always Wanted to Know about the Saamis (and Coffee) But Were Afraid to Ask “
“Labrets, and Nosepins, and Ear Feathers, Oh My!”
“Baby Lyuba – The Amabassador of the Nenets ” (co-authored with Bill Gasperini)
“Sharing Arctic Tidbits with Kids – Polar Bears International newsletter, Fall 2004”
“Polar Shifts: The Changing Face of Exploration”
“The Evenki and the Critical Role of Their Shamans”
“Celebrating Women of Discovery”
“Felicity Aston: Conversations with the Sun and Little Men on Mini-Triceratops Dinosaurs”
“That’s Some Letter Opener You’ve Got There!” (about the narwhal tusk)
“Duck Down and Thermostats in an Interconnected World” – Indigenous Policy Journal